テクスト学 (2017)


A central question in the field of English Language Education concerns how non-native speakers of English can efficiently improve their English language proficiency. To this end, various influential factors have been identified, and various teaching methods have been proposed. Yet, it should be kept in mind that the above goal can never be achieved solely by measuring a change in learners’ performance before and after a certain training; we also need to understand how the mind processes lexical information in general and how the bilingual mind handles two languages in particular. The two lectures of mine will introduce past and on-going psycholinguistic studies on (1) complex word recognition and (2) bilingual word recognition. Interestingly, both of these research themes have pointed to the same tentative conclusion — efficiency in reading is achieved by apparently inefficient cognitive mechanisms. The lectures will also give you ideas about mental chronometry and a lexical decision experiment, one of the simplest yet most popular psycholinguistic experiment. Psycholinguistic analyses of behaviours (e.g., button press responses and eye fixations) will demonstrate why intuition alone cannot help you to tap into the mind or possibly misguides you to a wrong conclusion about how language is done in the mind.

【講義ノート】Lecture notes

【講義で紹介した文献 & ツール】Articles introduced in class





【オフィスアワー】Office hour

金曜日 12:00 〜 13:00(アポイントメントは必要ありません。メールでの質問は常に受け付けます。)

場所: 文系総合館 711号室

連絡先: kojimiwa@nagoya-u.jp


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