英語コミュニケーション (2014)

AEC Th4 01292015AEC Th3 01292015

Course Syllabus (木曜3限)

Course Syllabus (木曜4限)

Purpose and aim of this class

The goal of this course is to improve students’ ability to communicate in English (that is, listening and speaking) in everyday life and in academic discussions. Linguistic communication is luxury that only humans possess. Students celebrate this luxury in in-class discussions on various familiar topics, both as a discussion leader and an active participant. At the end of this course, students are expected to become more versatile communicators.

Course contents

The language of instruction is English. Each week, students will serve as a discussion leader to facilitate in-class discussions on a particular topic, following the schedule below. 

Week 1 (Oct 2): What is Academic English Communication?

Week 2 (Oct 9): Being yourself 

Week 3 (Oct 16): Studying English

Week 4 (Oct 23): Daily habits

Week 5 (Oct 30): Friends

Week 6 (Nov 6): Pets

Week 7 (Nov 13): Movies

Week 8 (Nov 20): Sports

Week 9 (Nov 27): Traveling

Week 10 (Dec 4): Change

Week 11 (Dec 11): Eating out

Week 12 (Dec 18): Learning in school

Week 13 (Jan 15): Exploring foreign cultures

Week 14 (Jan 22): Searching for heroes

Week 15 (Jan 29): Course review

The above course plan is tentative and subject to revision during the semester, depending on students’ progress and, to an extent, topics of their interests. Every week, 4 students will serve as a discussion leader (20 minutes each).


Homework and participation (30%), Gyutto-e (20%), TOEFL ITP (Listening, Structure) & Criterion (30%), In-class discussion leading (10% x 2)

Students are expected to participate actively in class (note: attendance is not enough). Final grades will be determined based on an absolute (not relative) achievement, taking into account marks (in percent) for all components listed above:

S:100%~90%,A:89%~80%,B:79%~70%,C:69%~60%,F: < 59%


There is no textbook, but some printed materials will be handed out in class.                   


Roth, E. H., & Aberson, T. (2010). Compelling conversations. Los Angeles: Chimayo Press. It is recommended that students bring an English (electronic or paperback) dictionary to class every week

Notice for students


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