英語コミュニケーション (2013)

Course Syllabus (水曜2限)

Course Syllabus (木曜3限)

Course Syllabus (金曜1限)

Purpose and aim of this class

The goal of this course is to improve your ability to communicate in everyday life and in the context of academia. Communication is a complex inter-personal phenomenon. While non-human primates and insects may “communicate”, linguistic communication is luxury that only humans possess. Students celebrate this luxury by leading in-class discussions and by making a short presentation. At the end of this course, students are expected to become more versatile communicators.

Course contents

The language of instruction is English. Each week, a student (or a group of students) will serve as a discussion leader(s) to facilitate in-class discussion on a topic introduced in Roth & Aberson (2010) textbook, following the schedule below:

Week 1: What is Academic English Communication?

Week 2 – 6: Your Life

Week 7 – 10: Free Time

Week 11 – 12: Modern Times and Civic Life

Week 13 – 15: Student Presentations

The final presentation can be on anything of students’ interest but should contain an element of persuasion. Modes of persuasion (ethos, pathos, and logos), maxims of conversation (quantity, quality, relation, manner), and Toulmin’s model of argumentation will be discussed throughout the semester. The above course plan is tentative and subject to revision during the semester, depending on students’ progress and, to an extent, topics of their interests.


Attendance and Discussion (30%), Gyutto-e (20%), TOEFL ITP (Listening, Structure) & Criterion (30%), Presentation (20%)


Roth, E. H., & Aberson, T. (2010). Compelling conversations. Los Angeles: Chimayo Press.


It is recommended that you bring an English (electronic or paperback) dictionary to class every week. For grammatical rules, see Hacker, D., (2000) Rules for writers. New York: Bedford/ St. Martin’s. 

Notice for students


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