As a psycholinguist, who takes an experimental approach in linguistics to study how language is “done” in the mind, I am primarily investigating (1) how complex words are represented/processed in the mind and (2) how bilinguals read in one language with two languages in the mind. In short, I am interested in the mechanisms by which complex things are processed effortlessly and efficiently, which often happen at a subconscious level. Phenomena consistently observed across different languages, populations, and tasks must surely reflect the core of human language processes. By tracking such functional overlaps, the overarching goal of my research is understanding what language is within the little universe in our mind and … what makes humans human. Aside from these linguistic issues, I devote a significant amount of my time to sorting out the fundamental issues of life and death, how humans should be, and what I am, to make my (and our) life more pleasant. I seek balance in my life.
Koji Miwa, Ph.D. (Linguistics)
Nagoya University > Graduate School of Humanities >
English Education / G30 Linguistics and Cultural Studies / Center for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences
Office: Integrated Research Bldg. for Humanities & Social Sciences (Bunkeisogokan), Room 711
Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan
Phone: +81 (52) 789 - 4860
Email: kojimiwa ▲▲ nagoya-u.jp (replace with @ )

Nagoya University Faculty Profile: 教員詳細
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/,,,AAJ&hl=ja
ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-0890-9265

Web of Science: webofscience.com...N-6428-2018
ResearchGate: researchgate.net/profile/Koji_Miwa
Publons: publons.com/a/1182080/

Researchmap: researchmap.jp/kojimiwa/
Open Science Framework: osf.io/9vgzr/
Scopus: scopus.com/[…]authorId=35762289100
Linguistree: academictree.org/linguistics/tree.php?pid=822095