
【履修条件・注意事項】Requirements for registration

It is expected that students have a background in linguistics, psychology, and/or a related discipline in cognitive science.

【資料】Materials (in the order they were introduced)

【本授業の目的およびねらい】Objectives of this course                                                   

In this course, students will study a psycholinguistic approach to second language processing/acquisition. This course will revolve around the topic "linguistic relativity (Does language change the way we observe the world?)"; students will study the relationship between language and thought in the bilingual's mind. By finding, reading, and summarizing primary sources, students will be able to develop their research skills, reading skills, and organizational skills. Furthermore, through in-class discussions with peers, students will be able to master how to read academic articles critically and how to turn a question into a new original research.

【授業内容】 Class contents                                                                

第1 ~ 2週 大要の確認、実験的アプローチの理解

第3 ~ 7週 言語相対論に関連した学術論文を読み、議論する

第8 ~ 15週 バイリンガルの言語相対論に関連した学術論文を読み、議論する

Every week, a discussion leader is asked to present an academic article of their choice and lead an in-class discussion. In the in-class discussions, students will be encouraged to present their own ideas clearly, to listen to others, and also to respect different ideas. As a rule, the course will be conducted in English, but Japanese might be used depending on students' needs.

Lecture 1 (10/4)

Lecture 2 (10/11)

Lecture 3 (10/18)

Lecture 4 (10/25)

Lecture 5 (11/1)

Lecture 6 (11/8) 

Lecture 7 (11/15)

Lecture 8 (11/22)

Lecture 9 (12/6)

Lecture 10 (12/13)

Lecture 11 (12/20)

Lecture 12 (1/10)

Lecture 13 (1/17)

Lecture 14 (1/24)

Lecture 15 (1/31) Exam at 文系総合館 711

【自宅学習】 Preparation for the lectures

Please (1) read assigned articles, (2) make a summary of the articles, and (3) prepare for a discussion prior to each class.

【成績評価の方法】 Evaluation System                                                          

In-class participation (30%), article summaries (5% * 6 = 30%), final exam (10% * 4 = 40)

【オフィスアワー】Office hour

Office hour: Friday noon (12:00 - 13:00)(please feel free to email me anytime)

Office: 文系総合館 711号室

Email: kojimiwa@nagoya-u.jp

Last updated 12/06/2024          © Koji Miwa 2015-2024 All Rights Reserved