英語基礎 (2014)

AEB Thu4 07242014

Course Syllabus (火曜4限工学部)

Course Syllabus (木曜3限医学部)

Course Syllabus (木曜4限工学部)

Purpose and aim of this class

AEB Thu3 07242014AEB Tue4 07292014


Course contents

While the course consists of both reading and writing components, weekly classes will primarily focus on the latter. Folse et al. (2010) textbook will be used as follows:

Week 1: No lecture

Week 2: Introduction to Academic English Basic

Week 3: What is a paragraph (Unit 1) 

Week 4: The topic sentence (Unit 3)

Week 5: Supporting and concluding sentences (Unit 4)

Week 6: Paragraph review (Unit 5)

Week 7: Developing ideas for writing a paragraph (Unit 2), Citing ideas

Week 8: Definition paragraphs (Unit 6), Citing ideas

Week 9: Narrative paragraphs (Unit 10)

Week 10: Narrative paragraphs (Unit 10) 

Week 11: Narrative paragraphs (Unit 10)

Week 12: Process analysis paragraphs (Unit 7), In-class essay

Week 13: Process analysis paragraphs (Unit 7) 

Week 14: Opinion paragraphs (Unit 9)

Week 15: Opinion paragraphs (Unit 9), Course review

Students are expected to write an in-class essay and three take-home essays (all one paragraph in length). References will be allowed for the take-home essays. However, plagiarized essays will face serious consequences. The above course plan is tentative and subject to revision during the semester, depending on students’ progress and, to an extent, topics of their interest.


Gyutto-e (20%), Homework (10%), In-class essay (20%), Take-home essays (10%, 10%, 30%)

* Final grades will be determined based on an absolute (not relative) achievement, taking into account marks (in percent) for all components listed above:

S:100%~90%,A:89%~80%,B:79%~70%,C:69%~60%,F: < 59% 


Keith S. Folse 他 (2010). Great Paragraphs. センゲージ ラーニング.


It is recommended that students bring an English dictionary (either electronic or paperback) to class every week.  

Notice for students

対面授業に加え、課外学習として、英語(基礎)用「ぎゅっとe」リーディングおよび英語(基礎)用「ぎゅっとe」リスニングを課し、その消化率に基づく評価を授業全体の評価の20%とする。 なお、5回以上欠席をした場合、「欠席」の評価がつく。履修取り下げ制度は採用しない。 


  • AEB_F in Exams (学生の皆さんの答え).pdf
  • AEB_Homework_References_答え.pdf    
  • Lecture Slides (AEB Week 10 火曜4限).pdf
  • Statistical Analyses (Assignment 1).pdf
  • Lecture Slides (AEB Week 12 木曜3,4限).pdf
  • Lecture Slides (AEB Week 13 木曜3,4限).pdf
  • Statistical Analyses (In-Class Exam).pdf
  • Lecture Slides (AEB Week 13 火曜 4限).pdf 
  • Lecture Slides (AEB Week 14 木曜 3,4限).pdf
  • Take-home Assignment 3 (Opinion Paragraph) Instruction.pdf
  • Lecture Slides (AEB Week 15 木曜3,4限).pdf
  • Statistical Analyses (Assignment 2).pdf
  • Statistical Analyses (Gyutto-e, Assignment 3, Overall Score).pdf  
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